Affiliate Disclaimer

At Designed for Hope, we offer free resources for people in their personal walk with faith and for those who seek to share the same message of hope.

Everything on this site is provided for free. The website owner covers all site costs and expenses incurred while making the free downloads for the site. In order to hopefully, recoup some of the cost, we have added affiliate links.

Affiliate Links

Sometimes when we recommend a product, we’ll link to the produce using what is known as an affiliate or referral link. If you purchase anything through that link, we get a small commission at no cost to you. For example, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases through amazon links.

That commission is just a small percentage of whatever you spend after clicking that affiliate link. But, again, that commission comes from the vendor — not you.

Every product or service we recommend is something we would buy ourselves. The items we link to are usually products/services we have tested ourselves or have come highly recommended by peers.

All affiliate links will be labeled just so there are no misunderstandings. When we’re using an affiliate link, we’ll put (affiliate link) after it.